Tuesday, November 20, 2007

interview questions on UML

1)What is a singleton class?How do you writer it? Tell examples?

A class which must create only one object (ie. One instance) irrespective of any number of object creations based on that class.

Steps to develop single ton class:-

1.Create a Private construcor, so that outside class can not access this constructor. And declare a private static reference of same class

2.Write a public Factory method which creates an object. Assign this object to private static Reference and return the object

Sample Code:-

class SingleTon


private static SingleTon st=null;

private SingleTon()


System.out.println(“\nIn constructor”);


public static SingleTon stfactory()



st=new SingleTon();\

return st;









2) What is the difference between using HttpSeassion & a Stateful Session bean? Why can't HttpSessionn be used instead of of Session bean?

HttpSession  is used to maintain the state of a client in webservers which are based on Http protocol.   Where as Stateful Session bean is a type of bean which can also maintain the state of the client in Application servers based on RMI-IIOP


Monday, November 5, 2007

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here: http://blogjet.com

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein


so i am testig my remote bloggig .

Monday, October 8, 2007

How to get a blog?

hi nettie's dont u hav a blog. Dont worry. we r here to give u a blog.
u can create u r own blog @ blogspot.com or blogger.com and many more blog provider web's.
First know wat is blog?
Blog is a place in the internet to express your own words. In blog you can post about anything u want. About kids, humans, animals, abt u, about technology, about u r pet, about movies, games, pc's, food, books, clothes, shoes ................ the list continues.......

but be ware some blog providers strictly not allow pronographic content.

so decide u r topic for blog. and start blogging

Do u know u can earn money from u r blog. by placing ad-sense in u r blog and in many more ways.
check it out netties.